Optimum Engineering Services


Optimum Engineering Services (OES) is an engineering consultancy firm which provides services to oil & gas sector, gas treatment facilities, petroleum refineries, chemicals, petrochemicals, storage terminals, power & process plants, infrastructure development and pipeline projects.

OES started its full fledge operation in 2014 as an engineering consultancy company and has since been actively providing services on oil & gas, petroleum refining and pipeline projects.

OES has been providing design engineering and project management services to almost all the major companies operating in these sectors in Pakistan, besides providing services to overseas clients. 

The scope of services include multidisciplinary basic & detailed engineering in the following fields:
• Process
• Mechanical
• Civil & Structure
• Electrical 
• Instrumentation & Controls

Industries We Serve

1. Oil & Gas Sector
2. Gas Treatment Facilities
3. Petroleum Refineries
4. Chemicals
5. Petrochemicals
6. Storage Terminals
7. Power & Process Plants
8. Infrastructure Development
9. Pipeline Projects
10. Textile Mills
11. Renewable Energy

Optimum Engineering Services

Scope of Services

1. Process
2. Civil & Structure
3. Mechanical ( Equipment, Piping, Pipelines )
4. Instrumentation & Controls
5. Electrical 

Optimum Engineering Services


To be a company of choice in the provision of engineering and project management professional services by continuously influencing the industry positively.

Optimum Engineering Services


• Capacitate the company with adequately competent staff
• Maintain a high level of professionalism
• Add significant value to our clients
• Advocate for efficiency in all we do to optimize productivity at    minimal cost
• Ensure sound governance in all our projects 

Optimum Engineering Services


• Sound business ethics
• Honesty and transparency
• Professionalism, partnership and co-operation with clients    and stakeholders
• Customer focus 

Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services
Optimum Engineering Services

Directors' Profile

OES Directors are prominent industry professionals having over 60 years’ cumulative experience. They lead the firm in its mission of delivering unprecedented services to the clients.

Muhammad Ayaz Jabbar

Muhammad Ayaz Jabbar is a graduate Mechanical Engineer having over 32 years of diversified experience in the field of design, engineering and management of projects.

He has extensive experience of Management of Engineering Activities comprising of Basic Design/ Conceptual Engineering, Detailed Engineering including Piping, Pipeline, Tanks & Vessels Design, Flexibility/Stress analysis for plant piping & pipelines.

He has in depth knowledge of International Codes and Standards.

Syed Furrukh Akber

Syed Furrukh Akbar is a graduate Mechanical Engineer having over 30 years of diversified experience in the fields of design, engineering and management of projects.

He has extensive experience of managing projects related to oil & gas facilities, oil storage terminals, power & process plants, equipment, piping and pipelines.

He has also been involved in procurement & construction management activities.

Plot No. B-51, Ground Floor, Block-8, Gulshan-e-Iqbal,
Near Jamia Masjid Noor,
Karachi, Pakistan.


(92-21) 34800367
(92-21) 37246321

0333 2143589
0333 2112876 

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